RCSummer Program Content

A Journey to RCSummer World

Curious about what we do from 8:15 to 16:15 at RCSummer? Scroll down to find out!


Every morning, we start our day with a short skit prepared by our talented and entertaining staff where they put on a performance about current events, give hints about the day or share important information. This activity helps to prepare and motivate participants for the upcoming excitement of the day.


Each counselor offers a unique performing or fine art activity related to the current summer’s theme. The participants choose an activity according to their interests after they watch the brief introductory skits about each option. The culmination of the participants’ work is presented as part of a theatrical extravaganza or included in an art exhibition at the end of each session. RCSummer highly values the process of creativity and self-expression as well as the final product.

Art Excellence: The art studio coordinators observe participants in the art studio and give recognition to participants for their artwork.


RCSummer promotes a healthy and physically active life style. Various sports activities are offered at RC facilities and nearby venues. RCSummer encourages participants to learn and/or improve their skills with qualified staff members. RCSummer athletic directors and counselors facilitate a safe and healthy environment for sports and place high value on sportsmanship. During the day we have two different slots for sports, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Students are grouped according to their ages and participate in these sports twice a day according to their weekly schedule.

MIPs (Most Improved Player): The counselors observe participants during all the sports activities. Each week selected participants are awarded M.I.P. trophies for outstanding efforts in sports. This gimmick culminates with counselors announcing each player’s name along with the specific achievement which brought them recognition as an MIP.

Sportsmanship: The counselors observe participants during all the sports activities. Students learn about sportsmanship and what this concept means.  Each week selected participants who have displayed sportsmanship are recognized with sportsmanship trophies.  RCSummer values sportsmanship and encourages a healthy environment for sports.


ALL SPORTS:  Basketball, soccer, volleyballtable tennis, tennis, handball and badminton are offered to our participants.

SWIMMING: Robert College Alumni Association Bizimtepe pool is used for this activity. Participants play team pool games three to four times during the whole session

COUNTRY-CLUB:  Supervised golf activities will include swing techniques and a multiple hole mini golf course together with tennis, biking, hula-hoop, corn-hole and shuffle board.

ALTERNATIVE: Participants are involved in team building activities with high and low-rope course elements and climbing wall. 

FIELD SPORTS:  Participants are given the opportunity to experience different American sports like floor hockey, softball, frisbee, lacrosse, flag football and field hockey together with some field games.


This is the all-time favorite time slot of RCSummer! Every week, participants choose a different happy hour activity from a list of unique, fun and creative activities offered by our counselors. This element of the program is designed to let participants end the program day in an entertaining and relaxing way. Some of the examples of Hour of Happiness activities from previous years are: Kickball, zumba, the art of pillow fighting, 80s hip hop dance, RC Safari, tie-dye, nail art, time capsule…


Planet Green : RCSummer emphasizes the importance of environmental consciousness to its participants in many different ways. We teach our participants not to waste food during meals, to recycle and to find ways to reuse. A nutritious meal is offered at the RC cafeteria, and this family-style lunch includes setting and clearing off tables and serving food to one another. The cafeteria is divided into areas where the waste food gets weighed daily to develop awareness about consuming food and self-sufficiency. We also recycle our garbage and make use of all the waste material during art activities.

Community Explorers :  Community Explorers projects are designed by the RCSummer team every summer.  Community Explorers projects aim to encourage participants to grow awareness about the community and the city they live in, focusing on different contemporary issues. This element of the program intends to emphasize the power of individuals to help environmental or social causes while drawing attention to the impact of volunteerism.  The projects often incorporate different mediums of art and performances enabling participants to express themselves in the most personal and comfortable ways possible.

ApprentIstanbul : With this element of the program, we aim to raise participant awareness of different aspects of their society. Participants will have the opportunity to explore behind the scenes of many different professions in the city like taxi drivers, waitresses, fishermen, engineers and many other experts from variety of fields and will be inspired for their projects that will teach them a new skill.


RCSummer offers special Friday events. It is part of the RCSummer tradition to spend some time off-campus discovering what Istanbul has to offer. Instead of the daily schedule, every Friday is reserved for an excursion off campus or a special event on campus.

Beach Day : Participants’ most favorite Friday excursion takes place in Burc Beach in Kilyos. Participants not only enjoy the Black Sea but also play beach volley, beach soccer, make sand castles and many other beach games. 

Hiking Trip : Participants are taken to a hiking trail on a Friday, around Istanbul where many activities have been planned for them like treasure hunt, hiking, frisbee and various sports. A barbeque for lunch is also prepared for them.


Special days enable participants to apply or display the skills they have learned throughout the program, celebrated in a festive atmosphere with all those involved in the program. A few examples of special days are:

Splash Day: Summer gets very hot and we like to have fun while getting wet. We plan many water games for the participants and celebrate this day in an olympic style.

DI Day: Destination Imagination Instant Challenge Tournament, where participants are asked to use their creativity to solve instant challenges with the limited number of materials they are given, which promotes group work and problem solving skills.

Film Shorts: Now participants are the directors, camera person and the writers of their own films! A documentary, novella or cats! Okay, usually cats.

Presentation Day: A preliminary show is presented to prepare participants for the Big Show.

Kapla: Our participants take their creativity beyond their imagination and use lots of wooden blocks to build whatever they want.

Carnival Day: This is one of the most popular Fridays of our program. Participants spend most of their day playing and racing on huge blow-up toys in groups. You can see them sumo wrestling, bungee running, climbing on the walls, trying to make their counselors fall in the dunk-tank, flying high in the air with the super jumper, rolling in the huge transparent walls and having friendly water spout games at the end.


At the end of each session all of our parents are invited to our BIG SHOW performance when they can first watch the participants’ performances on stage and then move to our Big Exhibiton where all of the art work and movies are displayed from their Thematic Performance Arts activities.