Creative Art Making

Merril Hope Brown

Creative Art Making

332 332 people viewed this course.

‘Finding Your Voice – Self Expression in Art’

This program is for participant between grades 6th to 8th.

The focus of the program is ‘creative activities for the young artist’ and the theme for all the activities is ‘Finding Your Voice – Self Expression in Art’.  Each daily session consists of two or more activities that explore a different medium, style or technique in painting and drawing to inspire young artists to learn and create original artworks that also demonstrate an understanding of the elements of art and principles of design. Each session also includes a brief teacher presentation on a topic, style, movement, technique or artist(s) relevant to the day’s planned activity.

Course Objectives & Topics

  • Explore creative options using the elements of art and principles of design  
  • Looking at art and how various artists explore and express their ideas
  • Develop good art practice in the studio 
  • Create original artworks that employ various compositional devices, resources, materials, techniques and styles including; observational drawing and painting; altered art with found objects; abstract expressionism; narrative art
  • Art critique – giving (and receiving) constructive criticism of art work as a tool for learning
  • Using  the target language (English) when talking about Art
  • To develop a sense of personal value and self confidence in creating a visual statement that communicates an idea to others
  • To create a portfolio of original artwork

Program Tuition


Sibling / Alumni Discount


* Alumni or Sibling discount applies to all registered siblings.

Course registration closed.

Date And Time

2024-07-01 @ 12:00 to
2024-07-12 @ 16:00

Registration End Date



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